Below are Registration Help items, also visit for more helpful hints for parent registration.
1. How do I edit my child's info?
Click on the "MY ACCOUNT" button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. From there, you are able to edit all of your children's information and even add additional participants to your account if another child wants to participate! You'll also be able to register for future programs from your account page as well.
2. What do I do if I have forgotten my username and/or password?
- Go to your MSJSL’s website at
- Click on the Login button that is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

- Click on the Forgot your Username/Password? button, enter your email address, and then click on Email Reminder.

- Your username and password will be sent to the email address associated with your account.
- If you do not receive your email reminder, make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.
3. I signed my child up for the wrong program. Can I change which program my child is enrolled in or can I cancel our registration entirely?
To request a change in division or a cancellation, please contact us directly at [email protected].
4. The Checkout screen won't accept my credit card. Why?
- First, please make sure you have entered in all required information for your credit card correctly (i.e. name, address, number, expiration date, etc.). Note: The name on your account must match the name that is tied with the credit card.
- Second, please make sure you have entered in your billing address as it appears in your credit card statement. Even something as simple as "street" instead of "st" will cause the system to reject your card.
- Finally, we do not accept American Express. If this is the case, please try using a different credit card.
5. The site says there are no available programs for my child - what do I do now?
This means that registration has closed or that your son/daughter is not eligible to participate based on birth date or gender requirements set by the organization. You will need to contact us directly at [email protected] to find out if registration is still available for your child.
Note: Sometimes this will happen if the child's birth date is set incorrectly. You can check this by clicking on My Account in the upper right hand corner of the page and then clicking on Edit Player Info next to your child's name. Please make sure your child's birth date is correct.
Calendar Year Age Matrix 2016-2025