Sport is an significant part of our lives and culture. Most of us played some sport growing up and many of us still do. Professional leagues and players earn tens and hundreds of millions of dollars and consume a large portion of our media coverage and daily conversations. Sport is dynamic and exciting, full of passion It is easy to lose ourselves in the moment, it is essential that we separate professional and youth sport. The motivating factor for playing for our kids is fun.
You are more than a ride to the game. You are a significant contributor to your child learning to both play and love the game. Study after study indicates that a major reason most kids stop playing sport is the behavior of parents. This isn't touchy-feely stuff, its a simple fact that not enough support or too critical of an eye makes for an awful playing experience. You thoughts and opinions are the most important to your child even though at times it may not seem so.
It takes four legs to make a table stand with stability. In youth soccer the legs of the table are Players, Parents, Administrators and Coaches. In the navigation bar above, sections have been dedicated to coaching and player development. The two remaining legs are the parents and administrators. Administration development comes from he feedback of parents, players and coaches. This is dedicated to parent development. Check here regularly for stories, videos and other materials to help you make your child's experience playing youth sport a memorable one.
Manchester South Junior Soccer League Board of Directors
Parent's Code of Conduct
Role Reversal: Are you backseat driving your player's game?